
Αποτελέσματα 17281 - 17300 | από συνολικά 25173
31 08 2020 | 08:58

Δυνατή η “ηλιακή σοδειά” του 2020 στην Ευρώπη - Πλώρη για 230 MW νέων φωτοβολταϊκών και στην Ελλάδα.

Τα σκήπτρα της ευρωπαϊκής αγοράς ενέργειας κρατούν και φέτος τα φωτοβολταϊκά ανακάμπτοντας πολύ νωρίτερα από πολλούς άλλους τομείς της οικονομίας.

31 08 2020 | 08:56

Up to half of world's water supply stolen annually, study finds.

As water scarcity increases from factors including climate change, so do drivers of water theft, an ongoing problem in Australia. Between 30% and 50% of the world’s water supply is stolen each year…

31 08 2020 | 08:53

ΑΔΜΗΕ: Διευκρινίσεις σχετικά με τις αιτήσεις για φωτοβολταϊκά ≤ 1MW που απαλλάσσονται της αδειοδότησης.

Ο ΑΔΜΗΕ ανακοίνωσε τα ακόλουθα, σε εφαρμογή της Υπουργικής Απόφασης ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΑΠΕΕΚ/74123/2971 (ΦΕΚ 3149/Β/30.07.2020) για τους φωτοβολταϊκούς σταθμούς που απαλλάσσονται της αδειοδότησης (ισχύος ≤ 1MW):

31 08 2020 | 08:48

Δ. Δελεβέγκος: Nέα ψήφος εμπιστοσύνης στην ΤΕΡΝΑ Ενεργειακή.

Κατά την πρόσφατη ετήσια γενική συνέλευση μετόχων, ο πρόεδρος και διευθύνων σύμβουλος του ομίλου ΓΕΚ ΤΕΡΝΑ, Γιώργος Περιστέρης, ανέφερε εμφατικά ότι οι επιπτώσεις της πανδημικής κρίσης ενδεχομένως να…

31 08 2020 | 08:37

Methane released in gas production means Australia's emissions may be 10% higher than reported.

Analysis shows the government, which has committed to a ‘gas-led recovery’, has failed to properly account for methane’s effect on global heating. Australia’s greenhouse gas accounting…

31 08 2020 | 08:34

Joint venture looks to invest billions in 'natural capital' projects to help combat climate change.

Founding partner says ‘investing in the resilience of nature is investing in the resilience of the economy’. A push to better recognise the economic value of “natural capital” – water systems,…

31 08 2020 | 08:34

Afghanistan flooding: Dozens dead, hundreds of homes destroyed.

At least 100 people killed and hundreds of homes destroyed as seasonal rains cause worst flooding in Parwan province. Heavy flooding in northern and eastern Afghanistan has killed at least 100…

31 08 2020 | 08:34

EPA Has Granted More Than 3,000 Pollution Monitoring Exemptions to Oil and Gas Industry.

Environmental regulators across the country granted more than 3,000 requests from polluting oil and gas operations, government facilities, chemical plants, and other facilities to stop pollution…

31 08 2020 | 08:32

Scottish nuclear power station to shut down early after reactor problems.

Exclusive: EDF Energy to close Hunterston next year after spending £200m on repairs. Hunterston nuclear power station, one of the UK’s oldest remaining nuclear plants, is to close down next year,…

31 08 2020 | 08:32

Ετοιμάζεται για εγκαίνια η Tesla στην Αθήνα: Στελεχώνει το service center και ετοιμάζει το pop-up κατάστημα στα Βόρεια Προάστια.

Στη στελέχωση του του Service Center της στην Αθήνα προχωράει η Tesla, αναζητώντας μέσω αγγελίας τεχνικό ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων υψηλής τάσης που θα έχει την επίβλεψη του Service Center της στην Ελλάδα.

31 08 2020 | 08:29

50 new green hydrogen projects show Europe, Australia, Asia are lead players but US$75 billion in costs and government inaction could create delays.

The green hydrogen industry needs more government backing to reach demand goals. The renewable rich green hydrogen industry is accelerating with 50 new projects announced in the last year including…

31 08 2020 | 08:22

Agora Energiewende: Εφικτή η μείωση 55% (ως προς το 1990) των εκπομπών θερμοκηπίου στην ΕΕ μέχρι το 2030.

Τεχνικά εφικτή εκτιμάται ότι είναι η μείωση κατά 55% των εκπομπών αερίων θερμοκηπίου στην ΕΕ, σε σχέση με το 1990, σύμφωνα με νέα έρευνα του Öko-Institut e.V. – Ινστιτούτου Εφαρμοσμένης Οικολογίας,…

31 08 2020 | 08:22

«Γεια σου παππού, γεια σου γιαγιά»… μέσω τεχνολογίας.

Δήμος Αγράφων, Δήμος Τρικκαίων και e-trikala συνεργάστηκαν για on line επαφή των εγγονών με τους παππούδες τους

31 08 2020 | 08:20

Japan's Nagashiki says has scuttled part of Mauritius oil-spill ship.

TOKYO  - Japan’s Nagashiki Shipping, which owns the bulk carrier that ran aground on a reef in Mauritius and caused a large oil spill, said on Tuesday it has completed scuttling of the front part of…

31 08 2020 | 08:19

Omission of climate crisis at RNC risks losing voters, some conservatives warn.

The Republican national convention, dominated by veneration of Donald Trump and bleak warnings of the dangers of socialism, has completely ignored the climate crisis, an omission that has disturbed…

31 08 2020 | 08:19

Construction of Namibia-Botswana mega solar project imminent.

The signing of an agreement between Namibia and Botswana to construct a mega solar photovoltaic project is imminent, Namibian Minister for Mines and Energy Tom Alweendo has shared. A full…

31 08 2020 | 08:19

Weatherwatch: Danube's ice cover changes are a warning in Hungary.

Scientists monitor frequency of Danube freezing over to track rising temperatures. As a landlocked country in the heart of Europe, Hungary has a typically continental climate, with little or no…

31 08 2020 | 08:14

Beached whale increase may be due to military sonar exercises, say experts.

It is thought sonar may scare animals into surfacing too quickly, causing narcosis. An unusual series of strandings and sightings of 29 rare beaked whales has taken place around the shores of…

31 08 2020 | 08:13

'Orwellian': Coalition accused of planning to open green bank to fossil fuel investments.

Angus Taylor introduces bill to give Clean Energy Finance Corporation $1bn for ‘grid reliability fund’. The Morrison government has been accused of planning to open up the taxpayer-owned green bank…

31 08 2020 | 08:12

Giant solar project announced in DR Congo.

President Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo has laid the foundation stone for a vast, 1 GW Kinshasa Solar City photovoltaic project aimed at improving the capital’s power supply.