
Αποτελέσματα 14321 - 14340 | από συνολικά 24321
03 02 2021 | 09:23

Shell Is Back in Court for Nigeria Oil Spills Liability Ruling.

Royal Dutch Shell Plc faces the latest ruling in a long-running legal dispute with Nigerian farmers who say the energy giant is responsible for oil leaks that have polluted their villages. The case…

03 02 2021 | 09:21

ΡΑΕ: Επεκτάσεις του πληροφοριακού συστήματος ΑΠΕ.

Παρουσιάσεις της Ημερίδας της ΡΑΕ (27.01.2021): Επεκτάσεις του πληροφοριακού συστήματος ΑΠΕ για την ηλεκτρονική υποβολή αιτημάτων τροποποίησης/μεταβίβασης/ ενημέρωσης αδειών παραγωγής ή/και…

03 02 2021 | 09:20

Air pollution linked to higher risk of irreversible sight loss.

Large UK study found small pollution rise associated with more cases of age-related macular degeneration. Small increases in air pollution are linked to an increased risk of irreversible sight loss…

03 02 2021 | 09:19

Scientists Launch ‘Four Steps for Earth’ to Protect Biodiversity.

In 2010, world leaders agreed to 20 targets to protect Earth's biodiversity over the next decade. By 2020, none of them had been met. Now, the question is whether the world can do any better once new…

03 02 2021 | 09:15

Ice covers the Sahara Desert for just 4th time in 50 years.

The world's largest desert rarely sees snow like this. On Tuesday (Jan. 19), one of the world's driest places awoke to an otherworldly dusting of frost. In the Sahara Desert of northwestern Algeria…

03 02 2021 | 09:10

Nissan unveils first global model built using a “closed-loop” recycling system.

The all-new 2021 Nissan Rogue is the company’s first global model built using a “closed-loop” recycling system for aluminium parts. At the core of this system is a large pneumatic conveyance system…

03 02 2021 | 09:06

Biden set to ban new oil and gas leases on federal lands after Trump sell-off.

Move follows a 60-day suspension of new drilling permits for US lands and waters announced last week. Joe Biden has earmarked Wednesday as “climate day” at the White House to announce a slew of…

03 02 2021 | 09:00

Tropical Cyclone Ana: Fiji suffers second deadly storm in a month.

Three-year-old boy among those missing in floodwaters in the country’s northern and western islands. One person has died, and five, including a three-year-old boy, are still missing after Cyclone…

03 02 2021 | 08:56

MPs urge Bank of England to align corporate bonds with goals of the Paris Agreement.

The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) has written to the Bank of England to urge it to demonstrate continued leadership on climate change. The Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) has written to…

03 02 2021 | 08:43

Νέο δελτίο ΕΛΑΠΕ: Πρόβλεψη για πλεόνασμα 25,6 εκατ. ευρώ στο τέλος του 2021 μετά τα μέτρα που ελήφθησαν το Νοέμβριο.

Στα 25,6 εκατομμύρια ευρώ εκτιμάται το ετήσιο σωρευτικό υπόλοιπο του Ειδικού Λογαριασμού ΑΠΕ για το τέλος του 2021, σύμφωνα με το τελευταίο δελτίο του ΔΑΠΕΕΠ για το μήνα Νοέμβριο 2020, που αναρτήθηκε…

03 02 2021 | 08:42

12 New Books Explore Fresh Approaches to Act on Climate Change

Despite a journey to this moment even more treacherous than expected, Americans now have a fresh opportunity to act, decisively, on climate change. The authors of the many new books released in just…

03 02 2021 | 08:41

'I wrapped myself in a damp towel': Sydneysiders risk health inside hot homes

Some Sydney residents are living in homes with room temperatures nudging 40 degrees, as climate change raises temperatures and fear of big energy bills stops people from cooling down. A study of…

03 02 2021 | 08:41

Why are ocean warming records so important?

If we want to understand global heating, we have to examine ocean temperature trends. As if 2020 could get any worse, the latest research showed that oceans hit their highest recorded temperatures,…

03 02 2021 | 08:41

Επέκταση του μέτρου επανασύνδεσης ευάλωτων καταναλωτών προωθεί το ΥΠΕΝ - Σύντομα η απόφαση.

Το ΥΠΕΝ προετοιμάζει επέκταση του μέτρου της επανασύνδεσης για τους ευάλωτους καταναλωτές που έχει διακοπεί η σύνδεσή τους μετά από 1/5/2020, καθώς έχουν εξασφαλιστεί οι αναγκαίοι πόροι για την…

03 02 2021 | 08:38

Ξεκίνησε νέος κύκλος υποδοχής αιτήσεων για Βεβαιώσεις Παραγωγού ΑΠΕ – Πάνω από το 60% έχει πληρώσει το τέλος για τους παλαιότερους φακέλους.

Ξεκίνησε από τη Δευτέρα, 1 Φεβρουαρίου, ο νέος 10ήμερος κύκλος υποβολής καινούργιων αιτήσεων στη ΡΑΕ για Βεβαιώσεις Παραγωγού ΑΠΕ. Με δεδομένο ότι ο κύκλος έρχεται έπειτα από το πραγματικό «τσουνάμι…

03 02 2021 | 08:32

Biden Should Invoke National Emergency on Climate, Schumer Says.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for President Joe Biden to declare a climate emergency, a controversial move that would give the new administration sweeping authority to circumvent…

03 02 2021 | 08:23

Animation and podcast series share the story of Future Climate for Africa.

Sponsored content: Watch and listen to find out how FCFA’s innovative research programmes is support climate change resilience across Africa. Future Climate for Africa (FCFA) is excited to share the…

03 02 2021 | 08:16

US firm running eco grants scheme has won multiple UK government contracts.

Virginia-based ICF has been awarded more than 80 government contracts in the last five years. The American corporation running the UK green homes grant has been awarded multiple government contracts…

02 02 2021 | 11:58

Online Event: Digital Transformation in the Energy Sector - 16/2/2021

About The BD4NRG – Big Data for Next Generation Energy (H2020 funded project) and the EU GCC Clean Energy Technology Network, with the support of WEC Greece and Build Back Better GR are organising…

02 02 2021 | 11:31

Amazon Rainforest on the Brink of Turning Into a Net Carbon Emitter, Study Warns.

Tropical forests are guardians against runaway climate change, but their ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is wearing down. The Amazon, which accounts for more than half of the…