
Αποτελέσματα 13721 - 13740 | από συνολικά 25245
17 05 2021 | 08:29

ΥΠΕΝ: Έρχεται δράση ενίσχυσης για την ανάπτυξη υποδομών φόρτισης ηλεκτροκίνητων οχημάτων – Στόχος η χρηματοδότηση των ΦΕΥΦΗΟ.

Την προετοιμασία ειδικού προγράμματος, που έχει ενταχθεί στο Ταμείο Ανάκαμψης, και αποσκοπεί στην ανάπτυξη υποδομών φόρτισης ηλεκτρικών οχημάτων έχει ξεκινήσει το υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος και…

17 05 2021 | 08:26

Απολιγνιτοποίηση: Η ΔΕΗ προκηρύσσει τους διαγωνισμούς για τον πολεοδομικό σχεδιασμό σε Δ. Μακεδονία και Μεγαλόπολη

Tις μελέτες για την εκπόνηση των Ειδικών Πολεοδομικών Σχεδίων που θα καθορίσουν τις  χρήσεις γης και τους όρους δόμησης στις Ζώνες Απολιγνιτοποίησης (Ζ.ΑΠ), αναμένεται να προκηρύξει άμεσα η ΔΕΗ.…

17 05 2021 | 08:18

Πώς θα επιτευχθεί η ενεργειακή μετάβαση σε μια κλιματικά ουδέτερη οικονομία.

Στην πορεία της ενεργειακής μετάβασης σε μια κλιματικά ουδέτερη Οικονομία αναφέρθηκαν οι συμμετέχοντες στη σχετική συζήτηση του 6ου Οικονομικού Φόρουμ των Δελφών, το οποίο τελεί υπό την Αιγίδα της Α.…

15 05 2021 | 13:20

Feeding a City From the World’s Largest Rooftop Greenhouse.

The world's largest rooftop greenhouse is in Montreal, Canada. It measures more than 15,000m2 and produces more than 11,000kg of food per week. The company behind it had to hire 200 new employees…

15 05 2021 | 13:15

Moody’s: Global ESG trends amplified by green stimulus, climate policy and disclosure initiatives.

The impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues in financial markets will accelerate in 2021 as the effect of government stimulus, decarbonisation policies and greater disclosure…

15 05 2021 | 13:11

UN: Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2021 Set to Boost Regional Climate Action.

UN Climate Change News, 11 May 2021 – The virtual thematic sessions of Latin America and Caribbean Climate Week 2021 (11 to 14 May), hosted by the Government of the Dominican Republic, kicked off…

15 05 2021 | 13:01

Tea-growing areas to be badly hit if global heating intensifies.

In Kenya, the area of optimal tea-growing conditions will be reduced by more than a quarter by 2050. Your morning cup of tea may never taste the same again if global heating increases and the…

15 05 2021 | 12:54

'Universal' faith in hydrogen could lock world into fossil fuel reliance: German study.

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research concludes electrification should lead with H2 reserved for decarbonising air travel and heavy-emitting industries. Hydrogen should be reserved for…

15 05 2021 | 12:50

Gigawatt-scale compressed air: World’s largest non-hydro energy-storage projects announced.

The two 500MW/5GWh 'advanced' compressed-air projects in California would each be bigger than the current record holder. A Canadian company has today announced that it is developing two 500MW/5GWh ‘…

15 05 2021 | 12:48

It’s inspiring hope and change – but what is the IUCN’s green list?

The red list of species at risk is well-known, but the list for protected sites is quietly helping to ‘paint the planet green’ The age of extinction is supported by

15 05 2021 | 12:46

It’s oh so quiet: silent whale watching on Iceland’s first electric boat tour.

A carbon-neutral tour off Húsavík, in north Iceland, makes for a greener, more peaceful experience for visitors and sea creatures ‘Look! Look! Over there …” The boat listed dramatically as 50…

15 05 2021 | 12:43

Africa offers opportunities for green growth in post-COVID-19 recovery.

Africa’s recovery pathway offers enormous opportunities, African Development Bank (AfDB) head said at the European Union-Africa Green Investment Forum. AfDB President Dr Akinwumi Adesina reminded…

15 05 2021 | 12:33

The Role of Oil & Gas in Africa Energy Supply.

The Role of Oil & Gas in Africa Energy Supply Africa has 15 per cent of the world’s population but consumes only 3 per cent of its energy while it produces 12 per cent of the world’s energy.…

15 05 2021 | 12:30

Kenya's 'World's Best Teacher' gives away 80% of his monthly income to help the poor.

In a small overcrowded classroom in Pwani village, rural Kenya, Peter Tabichi teaches his students science. Born in Kiisi, 37-year-old Tabichi is from a family full of teachers. In March, he won…

15 05 2021 | 12:28

Sizewell C nuclear power station could ‘suck up over 500 million fish’ and harm species including otters and rare natterjack toads, campaigners warn.

Impact on environment will be ‘national disgrace’, says co-founder of Greenpeace UK. More than 500 million fish could be sucked out of the sea and into the vast cooling system of the proposed …

15 05 2021 | 12:27

Plastic bag charge to rise to 10p in England from 21 May.

The charge will be extended to all businesses, previously it only applied to those with 250 employees or more. The single-use carrier bag charge will increase from 5p to 10p and extend to all…

15 05 2021 | 12:20

Biden reverses last-minute Trump effort to loosen Arctic drilling restrictions.

Joe Biden’s administration has reversed a last-minute push by Donald Trump to overturn drilling restrictions for the oil industry in the Arctic Ocean.

15 05 2021 | 12:20

How to spot the difference between a real climate policy and greenwashing guff

Unless actions by governments and corporations cut emissions in the here and now, a dose of scepticism is in order. So it’s goodbye climate deniers, hello – and you’ll pardon me for being blunt here…

15 05 2021 | 12:10

The Greenwashing Files: Fossil Fuel Giants Accused of ‘Deceptive’ Advertising.

Fossil fuel companies could face legal challenges over their misleading advertising, after a DeSmog investigation uncovered the extent of their "greenwashing." Environmental lawyers ClientEarth have…

15 05 2021 | 12:01

SINV Europe 2021: Transparency is key for investors to reach goals of the Paris Agreement.

Part 3 and 4 of the Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2021 took place this week on the 20 & 22 April, convening stakeholders committed to driving forward the sustainable finance agenda from…