
Αποτελέσματα 8901 - 8920 | από συνολικά 25245
26 06 2022 | 08:00

EGYPT: Acwa and Hassan Allam to build 1.1 GW wind power complex in Gabal el Zeit

The Egyptian government is entrusting the construction of the Gabal el Zeit wind farm complex to a consortium formed by the Saudi company Acwa Power and the Egyptian Hassan Allam Holding. The wind…

26 06 2022 | 07:57

NIGERIA: Recycling waste ensures schooling for the needy

With 22 million people in Nigeria illiterate, financial professionals through the Association of Certified and Chartered Accountants (ACCA), are launching the "Recycling for Education Campaign".

26 06 2022 | 07:54

MOROCCO: AFD injects 103 million euros into a forest restoration project

The French Development Agency (AFD) and the Moroccan National Agency for Water and Forests (ANEF) officially launched the "Ghabati Hayati" program on 17 June 2022. With a budget of 103 million euros…

26 06 2022 | 07:47

DRC: University of Kinshasa call for projects for 15 sustainable innovations

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the University of Kinshasa is launching a call for projects to fund 15 technological innovations that address antimicrobial resistance through…

26 06 2022 | 07:45

MALAWI: 250 elephants to leave Liwonde to repopulate Kasunga National Park

After several years of successful wildlife conservation, the Liwonde National Park in southern Malawi is being decongested. 250 elephants will be relocated from this reserve to the Kasungu National…

26 06 2022 | 07:27

Subverting Climate Science in the Classroom

In a drab hearing room in Austin, Tex., members of the State Board of Education, seated at small desks arranged in a broad, socially distanced circle, debated whether eighth grade science students…

26 06 2022 | 07:24

Greek Climate Law: from climate pioneer to laggard

Greece’s first climate law, passed on 26 May, aligns the country with other EU Member States in the fight against climate change. However, the legislation fails to ensure a new, scientifically…

24 06 2022 | 18:03

Ευρωπαϊκός Χάρτης Παραγωγής Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας από ΑΠΕ στην ιστοσελίδα της ΡΑΕ

Η Ρυθμιστική Αρχή Ενέργειας στο πλαίσιο της πολύπλευρης προσπάθεια της για ενδυνάμωση των καταναλωτών και υποστήριξη της εύρυθμης λειτουργίας της αγοράς επιδιώκει να βελτιώσει, μεταξύ άλλων, και την…

24 06 2022 | 17:56

Όχι σε φυσικό αέριο και πυρηνική ενέργεια ως πράσινες επενδύσεις!

Θα ήθελα να σε ενημερώσω για μια σημαντική πρώτη μάχη που κερδήθηκε την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα: δυο σημαντικές επιτροπές του Ευρωκοινοβουλίου άσκησαν βέτο (δηλαδή καταψήφισαν) την πρόταση νομοθετικής…

24 06 2022 | 17:45

Δέκα χρόνια ΕΙΠΑΚ και Energy Efficiency Conference

Κλείστε εδώ τη θέση σας

24 06 2022 | 11:46

There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power

It has proved too easy to stop people uniting around the crucial issues of our time. Those who demand better pay and conditions for workers and justice for poor people have been pitched by demagogues…

23 06 2022 | 21:22

Είμαστε στις Κάννες!

Είναι δύσκολο να ακούσεις την επιστήμη όταν οι εταιρείες ορυκτών καυσίμων κάνουν τόση φασαρία. Με τις παραπλανητικές τους διαφημίσεις και χορηγίες, θέλουν να πιστέψουμε ότι όλα είναι καλά. Η…

23 06 2022 | 19:18

AFRICA: at least six cities in a global ranking of 100 sustainable cities

Cairo, Cape Town, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Lagos and Kinshasa are among the Top 100 sustainable cities produced by the Dutch company Arcadis. According to this global ranking, all these African cities…

23 06 2022 | 19:06

SENEGAL/GUINEA: Project to install solar irrigation systems

With Guinea and Senegal benefiting from at least 2,000 to 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, a project implemented under the Agricultural and Rural Prospects Initiative (ARPI) will enable the…

23 06 2022 | 18:50

AFRICA: CrossBoundary mobilises $25m for solar mini-grid financing

The CrossBoundary Energy Access (CBEA) financing mechanism has announced the mobilisation of $25 million for the deployment of solar-powered mini-grids in sub-Saharan Africa. The funds are being…

23 06 2022 | 18:48

COP27: facing the climate emergency, decision-makers meet on 7 November

Egypt will host the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) from 7 to 18 November 2022. Several developing countries, like the host country, intend to seize the opportunity to advance a…

23 06 2022 | 18:47

Just Stop Oil: Activists says they have 'a duty to protest'

"I found myself feeling just so completely and utterly helpless, and realised I had to take action." Claudia Penna Rojas became a part of climate activist group Just Stop Oil in February. You might…

23 06 2022 | 18:46

When did scientists first warn humanity about climate change?

Climate change warnings are coming thick and fast from scientists; thousands have signed a paper stating that ignoring climate change would yield "untold suffering" for humanity, and more than 99% of…

23 06 2022 | 18:45

NORTH AFRICA: Municipalities to learn about UN climate resilience

What strategies and measures will reduce the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change? This is the big question that was answered by the heads of municipalities from North African…

23 06 2022 | 18:42

KENYA: In Nairobi, Airtel raises awareness on electronic waste recycling

With the African continent generating 2.9 million tonnes of e-waste in 2019, telecoms company Airtel Africa, through its subsidiary in Kenya, is raising awareness of e-waste recycling in the city of…