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15 11 2023 | 18:35

Top court blows €60B hole in Germany’s climate financing plans

The German government's decision to fund its green transition by reallocating €60 billion in unused debt unlocked during the COVID-19 pandemic is unconstitutional, Germany's top court ruled Wednesday…

15 11 2023 | 18:28

US-EU unity ruptures over climate damage payments

The dispute has often pitted rich, heavy-emitting countries like the U.S. and the EU against the developing countries facing the impacts of those emissions. But long-simmering differences between…

15 11 2023 | 18:23

Recognising the complementarity of reuse and recycling is the solution

Ahead of the plenary vote on the proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), a large group of European and national associations across various sectors are expressing serious concerns…

15 11 2023 | 18:19

Restoring nature is possible — but we must work together

This week marks yet another busy week on the sustainability circuit here in Brussels. At Politico’s Sustainable Future Week, businesses and lawmakers exchange views and ideas for a sustainable future…

15 11 2023 | 18:12

EU nature law fight ends in pyrrhic victory for Green Deal defenders

EU negotiators have finally clinched a political deal on new rules aimed at boosting nature restoration across the bloc, saving the legislation from a conservative-led campaign to kill it. But if…

15 11 2023 | 18:06

Living Cities: How to stop city trees from tumbling

TOPPLED TREES: Madrid was just one of many cities hit by Storm Ciáran last week: Record-breaking winds toppled over 400 trees in the Spanish capital, one of which crushed a 23 year-old woman who died…

15 11 2023 | 18:02

Political will and collaboration needed to redesign plastics system

Nobody is more aware of society’s complicated relationship with plastic than our industry. Europe’s plastics manufacturers share societal concerns about the plastics system’s contribution to climate…

15 11 2023 | 17:56

Crunch time for EU conservatives’ push to kill nature law

Europe's conservatives are at it again. After attempting to kill off a major pillar of the EU's Green Deal earlier this year, the center-right European People’s Party has come back to the…

15 11 2023 | 17:47

Rishi Sunak plays politics on energy

ULTIMATE CHEAT SHEET: For your invaluable guide to the week ahead, check out Politics at Jack and Sam’s — with POLITICO’s Jack Blanchard and Sky News’ Sam Coates.

15 11 2023 | 17:39

Reassessing the EU’s approach to methane emissions

The European Union’s ambition to build a carbon-neutral economy by mid-century is a true beacon of hope in the global fight against climate change. Certainly, the mitigation of methane emissions is…

15 11 2023 | 17:32

‘Take it or leave it’: Acrimony flares amid tenuous agreement on climate aid

Negotiators struck a fragile agreement Saturday over the outlines of an international fund for climate-ravaged countries after hours of acrimonious haggling foreshadowed likely divisions at the…

15 11 2023 | 17:20

King Charles to attend COP28

King Charles III will attend the COP28 climate summit in Dubai next month, Buckingham Palace confirmed. The king — a longstanding advocate of bolder action to combat climate change — will deliver…

15 11 2023 | 17:15

EU offers more cash to fertilizer makers over fears of new energy crunch

The European Commission is asking energy-intensive industries if they’d like to continue benefiting from relaxed state aid rules in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war and the impact it could have on…

15 11 2023 | 17:07

German MEP in running to lead Greens’ EU election campaign

German MEP Terry Reintke is in the running to lead the Greens European election campaign, she announced Wednesday. "I want a Europe that fights for climate justice. A Europe of fair wages and good…

15 11 2023 | 16:23

French court annuls ban of climate movement over ‘eco-terrorism’ claims

France’s top administrative court Thursday annulled a government decision to ban a climate activist movement after it repeatedly clashed with the police during protests. Although the climate group "…

15 11 2023 | 16:16

UK softens stance on fossil fuels ahead of COP28 summit

Britain has signaled plans to water down its position on a core part of COP28 negotiations just weeks before the global climate talks begin. Energy and Climate Minister Graham Stuart, who will head…

15 11 2023 | 16:11

Denmark to make ‘generous’ pledge for climate damage fund, minister says

Denmark is preparing to make a significant pledge toward a new climate disaster fund, breaking ranks with other developed countries.  The Danish government became the first United Nations member to …

15 11 2023 | 16:06

EU promises ‘substantial’ climate damage funding pledge

Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra said the bloc will announce details at COP28. The European Union will make a “substantial” financial pledge toward a new fund for climate damages, the bloc’s climate…

15 11 2023 | 16:00

Food, soil, water: how the extinction of insects would transform our planet

Cut an apple in half, and the white flesh reveals a cluster of black pips arranged in the shape of a star. It is a tiny constellation of seeds hidden in the fruit bowl. But it reveals an interlinked…

15 11 2023 | 15:55

Countries meet in Kenya to thrash out global plastic pollution treaty

Government delegations will gather in Nairobi, Kenya, to hammer out details of what could be the first global treaty to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. A key focus for the discussions on Monday…