Αποτελέσματα 21 - 24 | από συνολικά 24
26 10 2023 | 19:03

‘This Blows My Mind’, Critic Says, as CCUS Centre Admits It Can’t Meet 2035 Deadline

A veteran U.S. energy consultant and attorney is accusing the nascent carbon capture and storage (CCUS) industry of hypocrisy, after an industry report last week warned the technology won’t be able…

26 10 2023 | 18:58

21 Myths: Explainer Counters ‘Relentless Hostile Reporting’ on EVs

A leading climate and energy analyst is out with a 21-part fact-checker to counter the most common myths about electric vehicles. EVs “significantly cut lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions in almost…

26 10 2023 | 18:25

Evidence Mounts as Fossil Industry Disputes Fracking Health Impacts

As public health experts compile thousands of papers with “damning evidence” linking fracking with health harms, fossil fuel groups are working to undermine the research by arguing that not all of it…

26 10 2023 | 18:17

G20 Countries Lag on Building Air Quality into Climate Plans

Countries from the global south take the most action to improve air quality in their climate plans, while some of the world’s biggest carbon-emitting economies lack that vision, concludes a recent…