Adam Morton

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 | από συνολικά 3
27 06 2024 | 10:27

The Coalition says the rest of the G20 is powering ahead with nuclear – it’s just not true

So much has been said by the Coalition about what nuclear energy could do for Australia, with so little evidence to back it up, that it can be hard to keep up with the claims.

27 05 2024 | 11:10

Labor’s strategy is to reduce emissions from gas – but not if that means doing anything to cut its use

The bottom line of the “future gas strategy” isn’t what it might mean for the government’s political fortunes, despite what Labor pollsters and political commentators might argue.

06 12 2021 | 09:28

Woodside’s new Western Australian gas project ‘a bet against’ global 1.5C goal, report finds

Climate Analytics says Scarborough project’s emissions expected to be 1.37bn tonnes of CO2, which would slow push to reach net zero Energy giant Woodside and Australian governments are betting…