#UprootTheSystem-'Climate strikers gearing up for next global climate strike

Global -- On September 24th, 2021, Fridays for Future will take to the streets, online and in-person, once again, some in the face of increasing repression from state authorities towards climate activists, to continue to fight for climate justice in the face of years of inaction from “World Leaders”, especially in the Global North. The youth are organising and protesting with communities through music, art, and stories, marches, and of course school strikes, to demand justice.
In the midst of the various public health, sociopolitical, and economic crises that the world continues to face, climate activists will be holding protest actions on the 24th calling to #UprootTheSystem and address the intersections of the climate crisis which includes addressing racism, sexism, ableism, class inequality, and other systems of oppression.
“The climate and COVID crisis caused by the profit-oriented system impacts MAPA the most. With the hoarding of vaccines by the global north, vaccine equity has been impossible. This has left MAPA out of climate negotiations like COP, MAPA´s presence is crucial in order to achieve climate justice” said Manuel Vasquez, a climate activist from Guatemala.
The latest IPCC report released in August highlighted again that it is now unequivocal that the climate crisis is caused by human activities, and that actions of the privileged have already caused irreversible damage to our climate system. However, climate scientists state that if drastic emission cuts in greenhouse gas emissions globally are made, the worst consequences can still be prevented.
“The Global North should be developing climate policies that have at their main core climate justice and accountability to MAPA. Instead, they continue to exploit vulnerable communities and recklessly extract fossil fuels, while bragging about their insignificant emission reduction plans,” said Valentina Ruas, from Brazil.
For more information about the global strikes check fridaysforfuture.org/September2
Editor’s notes:
MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas)
23 September 2021