REMINDER - 2nd open call - 17th International Conference on "Energy and Climate Change"-11th Green Energy Investments Forum (9-11 October 2024)

21 06 2024 | 17:01

Welcome to the 17th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change website. PROMITHEASnet – the Energy and Climate Change network, as the organizer, invites you to this three-days event (with physical presence and on live streaming attendance).

The 17th International Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” will take place at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) on 9 – 11 October 2024, in Athens-Greece. This year it will host the first meeting of all UNAI SDG Hubs in Athens with the aim to further promote the 2030 – Agenda for Sustainable Development. This will be an opportunity for meetings and exchange of views.

It is set under the auspices of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI).

It started as an activity of a FP6 funded project. The 1st PROMITHEAS Conference titled “Energy Investments and Trade Opportunities” in 2008 was a two-day event focused on political and scientific topics.

Now, the Conference intends to include:

  2. FORUM: The first day is devoted to the 11th “Green Energy Investments” Forum aiming to bring together policy and decision makers with market players and explore opportunities for investments that promote the transition to a low carbon economy and the achievement of the 7th Sustainable Development Goal (Clean, Affordable and Modern Energy).
  3. SYMPOSIUM for BSEC – GEN Members.
  4. SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS: The second day “Scientific Sessions” is devoted to peer – viewed presentations and discussions on relevant to energy and climate change research topics, as in all previous years.  Additionally, topics relevant to SDG7 are now also included.
  5. OFFICIAL DINNER to participants of the “Scientific Sessions”.
  6. BROKERAGE SESSIONS: The third day is shaped as a “Brokerage sessions” that will bring together scientists, policy makers and market stakeholders and facilitate them to present their activities (projects and programs), discuss about funding opportunities, mainly in the context of Horizon Europe calls and finally to increase the cross-interaction on innovative ideas and cooperation on common importance topics.

The 17th International Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” will take place in site and on line.

The brochure for the Conference can be downloaded here.

For registration information look here.