LAST 4th open call - 15th International Conference on Energy and Climate Change (UPDATED INFO on the web-site).!
1st DAY – 12 October 2022
Amb. Lazar COMANESCU, Secretary General of PERMIS - BSEC
Amd. Dimitrios RALLIS, Deputy Secretary General of PERMIS – BSEC
Prof. Andonaq LONDO LAMANI, Polytechnic University of Tirana - Albania
Prof. Rauf ALIYAROV, Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry – Azerbaijan
Prof. Haji MALIKOV, Geotechnological Problems of Oil, Gas and Chemistry – Azerbaijan
Dr. Mihai TIRSU, Institute of Power Engineering – Moldova
Prof. Dejan IVEZIC, University of Belgrade - Serbia
(more names will be announced soon after confirmation)
2nd DAY – 13 October 2022
“The Regional Climate Adaptation Plan of Crete as a strategic planning cornerstone for the protection of the natural environment and the resilience of infrastructure in a climate hotspot area” by C. TSOMPANIDIS – ENVIROPLAN Consultants & Engineers S.A., Greece
“Reducing the Life Cycle Analysis of Building Automation Systems operation” by Vilūnė LAPINSKIENĖ, Vilnius Gediminas technical university - Lithuania
“Analysis of the synergistic effects of policy instruments in environmental governance taking into account the social context” by Arash FARNOOSH, IFP Energies Nouvelles (IFPEN), IFP School, Center for Energy Economics and Management, France
“On the possibility of a cyber-attack on optimizer-based photovoltaic generators” by Alon KUPERMAN, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
“Numerical analysis of the building energy efficiency using two different HVAC systems: VRF and VAV” by Niima Es-Sakali, Mohamed-V University, Morocco
“Asymmetric impact of non-renewable energy consumption on energy growth: Empirical evidence from South Africa” by Prof. Nicholas M. Odhiambo, University of South Africa, South Africa
“Investigation of the impact of phase change materials at different building envelope placements in a semi-arid climate by Imad Ait Laasri, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
“Geothermal resources and local development in Poland” by Dr. Katarzyna A. KUREK, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands
3rd DAY – 14 October 2022
“Numerical evaluation of the impact of some design parameters of centrifugal fans on their energy efficiency. Corresponding algorithm in the Python language.” by Dr. Spartak POCARI, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Albania
“An innovative flexibility management and optimization framework for demand side aggregators” by Mr. Konstantinos TSATSAKIS, Suite 5, Cyprus
“Education and Citizen engagement as drivers for ecological transition: the GreenSCENT project” by Prof. Maria Amata GARITO, Universita Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO, Italy
“Adaptive management of mitigation projects implemented in rural areas: contribution to Kazakhstan's goal of carbon neutrality” by Gulzhamal JAPAROVA
Peer – review process is still on – going, while abstracts are still being submitted
Session for “Start-ups” is under development