CAPE VERDE: Moroccan support for water resources management

25 09 2023 | 16:28Inès Magoum / AFRIK21

As part of its water resources management policy, the Cape Verde government is increasing its acts of cooperation, the most recent of which is the memorandum of understanding signed with Morocco. Thus, the Shereef kingdom will bring its expertise to this country located in West Africa, particularly in terms of groundwater management and watershed agencies.

The technical and institutional cooperation agreement was signed on September 18, 2023 between the Minister of Equipment and Water of Morocco, Nizar Baraka, and Gilberto Silva, the Cape Verdean Minister of Agriculture and Environment. “The Shereef kingdom has significant experience in water management having carried out a range of projects. Furthermore, Morocco is also experienced in the development of laws relating to the management of this resource. It is therefore voluntarily and responsibly that we will support Cape Verde ,” promised Minister Nizar Baraka last Monday.

If Cape Verde has managed to achieve drinking water coverage of 90% in urban areas and 86% in rural areas since 2011 according to the French Development Agency (AFD), this result would hide clear disparities between municipalities with unit consumption is often low, reflecting both the insufficiency of water resources, the difficulties of distribution carried out by tanker trucks or standpipes, and insufficient conditions of technical and financial performance of the services.

Added to these disparities are climatic challenges, notably the drought which has since reached a critical threshold in Cape Verde, reducing water resources intended for households and irrigation. This situation also pushed the Cape Verdean government to declare a “water emergency” throughout the country on January 7, 2020.

Given its expertise in the implementation of hydraulic projects and its knowledge of the consequences of drought to face it, Morocco will support the strengthening of the governance of groundwater and surface water in the archipelago located in South Africa. 'West, management of watershed agencies, monitoring of water costs, development of water resources management policies, and development of awareness measures for water guidance and protection.

Also, Cape Verdean technicians in the water sector will be equipped with the desalination of seawater for irrigation. The development of this unconventional water resource should contribute to improving agricultural practices and the livelihoods of populations in Cape Verde.
