
Αποτελέσματα 1 - 12 | από συνολικά 12
01 06 2024 | 05:19

Tech Investments are powering up clean energy

Spending on renewables is good for sustainability goals while being good PR. It’s also great for business.

20 03 2020 | 07:42

UBS ends financing for all new offshore oil projects in Arctic.

As UBS achieves its sustainable investment goal three years ahead of schedule, it announces it will end financing for all new offshore oil projects in the Arctic. UBS has committed to no longer…

27 02 2020 | 07:39

Accountants urged to help firms worldwide combat climate crisis.

ICAEW and other industry groups want climate risk to be integrated into company audits The world’s accountants must put the climate crisis at the forefront of their work to spur global companies to…

27 02 2020 | 07:22

Corruption Perceptions Index 2019.

We just released our latest Corruption Perceptions Index(CPI) and the results for most countries are disappointing…

04 08 2019 | 06:54

How finance is mainstreaming renewable energy.

Sebastien Soleille, head of energy transition at BNP Paribas, explains how a raft of different financial measures and are helping to rapidly build out clean energy worldwide

30 05 2019 | 16:01

The Bank of Canada declared climate change a financial risk. Now what?

This month, the Bank of Canada released its 2019 Financial System Review. For the first time, it listed climate change as one of six major vulnerabilities facing Canada’s economy. It’s significant…

15 05 2019 | 11:19

Climate change threatens to wreak havoc on the global economy.

It is becoming more and more apparent that the developing threat of climate change is not simply damaging the earth’s natural ecosystem, but is also harming the world economy.

19 04 2019 | 10:37

Global banks warn climate change could wipe out $20 trillion worth of assets.

A new report has found that climate change could wipe out trillions of dollars’ worth of assets. The report by the Network for Greening the Financial System has highlighted the serious effect that…

13 04 2019 | 13:59

Climate disaster losses could undermine financial system stability, U.S. federal bank exec warns

Economic losses from natural disasters and other climate impacts could produce enough risk to undermine the security of the financial system, according to a research letter released Monday by Glenn D…

26 02 2019 | 14:25

The promise of a 100% renewable energy world.

The oldest solar organization in the world, the International Solar Energy Society, dates back to 1954. President David Renné tells pv magazine about India’s solar dreams, the next best thing in…

15 02 2019 | 10:10

Mozambique and Democratic Republic of Congo Sign Landmark Deals with World Bank to Cut Carbon Emissions and Reduce Deforestation

When I tell people that I am a forest specialist, they sometimes assume my work is forest first, people second. But the really exciting part of my job is that better forests make better communities…

17 01 2019 | 13:08

US $32.5m approved for the energy projects in Africa

US $32.5m has been approved by the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) to help in the energy projects within Africa. US $40m will help in investments in Africa while the bank investment will help…