Wind energy in Europe in 2020 - Trends and statistics

03 03 2021 | 09:32

Europe installed 14.7 GW (10.5 GW in the EU-27) of new wind capacity in 2020. The 6% decrease compared to 2019 was due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the onshore wind sector.

80% of the new wind installations were onshore. The Netherlands installed the most wind power capacity in 2020 thanks to a strong year in offshore installations. Norway registered the largest onshore installations while Germany saw the worst year for installations since 2010.

Europe could install around 105 GW of new wind energy capacity over the next five years if Governments adopt their promised measures and aim to reach the targets set in their National Energy and Climate Plans. 70-72% of new installations will come from onshore wind.

1. Europe installed 14.7 GW of new wind power capacity in 2020 (gross installations). This is a 6% decrease on 2019. 10.5 GW of the new installations were in the EU-27.


2. The Netherlands installed the most wind power capacity in 2020 (1.98 GW). 75% of that was offshore wind. Norway (1.5 GW), Germany (1.4 GW), Spain (1.4 GW) and France (1.3 GW) led in the installation of onshore wind.


3. Europe will install around 105 GW of new wind energy capacity over the next five years.

4.Over the next five years, the UK is expected to install the most wind capacity in Europe – 18 GW in total. Followed by Germany (16 GW). France (12 GW), Sweden (7 GW), and the Netherlands (6 GW). e (12 GW), Sweden (7 GW), and the Netherlands (6 GW) will provide the next largest contributions, respectively.

5.Wind energy met 16.4% of demand across the EU+UK.

6.Denmark had the highest share of wind (48%), followed by Ireland (38%) and Germany (27%). The UK, Portugal and Spain followed with 27%, 25% and 22% respectively. 14 Member States had a wind energy share above 10%.






25 February 2021




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