Science – Technology – Innovation

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 20 | από συνολικά 4183
01 06 2024 | 05:19

Tech Investments are powering up clean energy

Spending on renewables is good for sustainability goals while being good PR. It’s also great for business.

16 12 2023 | 01:26

Skipton church could see solar panels installed

North Yorkshire church officials are hoping to install a heat pump and solar panels in a bid to become more environmentally friendly. Grade I listed Holy Trinity Church in Skipton could have its…

04 12 2021 | 14:43

The average person’s daily choices can still make a big difference in fighting climate change – and getting governments and utilities to tackle it, too

The average American’s everyday interactions with energy sources are limited. They range from turning appliances on or off, to commuting, to paying utility bills. The connections between those acts…

04 12 2021 | 10:12

UK water firms spilled sewage into sea bathing waters 5,517 times in last year

Report shows raw sewage spillages into coastal swimming waters increased by more than 87% in 12 months Water companies spilled raw sewage into coastal bathing waters used by holidaymakers and…

04 12 2021 | 09:07

Decarbonising infrastructure: accelerating our transition to a net-zero world

About this report The success of carbon management is dependent on industry-wide collaboration and knowledge sharing. With this goal, for nine years now, we have been running our annual…

30 11 2021 | 09:46

Epic storms on two coasts have parliament talking climate action, adaptation

This story includes details about the impacts of climate change that may be difficult for some readers. If you are feeling overwhelmed by this crisis situation here is a list of resources on how to…

30 11 2021 | 09:27

Australia declares La Niña phenomenon has begun

Australia has said a La Niña event has developed for a second consecutive year, meaning there is a greater risk locally of floods and cyclones. Last time the weather phenomenon contributed to "once…

30 11 2021 | 09:18

Protect Cop26 climate progress from being undermined by trade rules, UK ministers told

Exclusive: Demand for ‘climate waiver’ to free countries from fear of litigation over emission cuts Climate agreements reached in Glasgow this month could come under legal attack from polluting…

30 11 2021 | 09:01

‘Adapt or die’ says Environment Agency in urgent report

The Environment Agency is urging society to invest in adaptation to climate change, rather than living with the costs of inaction. The Environment Agency is urging society to invest in adaptation to…

30 11 2021 | 09:00

'Magical’ Coral Spawning Is Sign of Hope for Great Barrier Reef

The news is full of dire warnings about the future and current health of the Great Barrier Reef, but the World Heritage Site is not dead yet. Scientists on Tuesday night recorded videos of corals …

28 11 2021 | 08:54

Activists take court action against Boris Johnson over climate crisis

Three people claim government is breaching right to life and family life by not doing what is needed to prevent disaster Three young people are taking legal action against the prime minister,…

28 11 2021 | 08:50

Artworks to highlight air pollution’s role in death of London girl

Breathe: 2022 by Dryden Goodwin will pay tribute to Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah of Lewisham Public artwork that pays homage to Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, whose exposure to air pollution contributed to her …

28 11 2021 | 08:46

Americans support climate change policies, especially those that give them incentives and clean up the energy supply

As the Biden administration tries to build support for new climate and energy policies, a set of studies offers some insights that could help them appeal to the widest audience.

28 11 2021 | 08:41

India’s apple farmers count cost of climate crisis as snow decimates crops

Kashmiri farmers lose half their harvest to early snows for third year, with fears for future of the region’s orchards The homegrown apple is in danger of becoming a rarity in India, as farmers have…

28 11 2021 | 08:30

Cameroonian Fishermen Harvest Invasive Aquatic Fern to Create Energy Source

DIZANGUÉ, CAMEROON —  Cameroon's largest lake, Lake Ossa, has been invaded by Salvinia molesta, an aquatic fern native to Brazil that hinders navigation, makes fishing impossible and blocks water…

28 11 2021 | 08:22

British people more concerned about climate change than the pandemic, poll shows

Concern for climate change at highest level since records began Climate change is the biggest issue of concern for the British public, a new poll has found, scoring higher than the pandemic, Brexit…

28 11 2021 | 08:20

Climate change causing albatross divorce, says study

When relationships end it might be because the spark has disappeared, or maybe you just can't make time for one another. But can climate change cause break-ups? It might do, according to a new…

28 11 2021 | 08:20

IRENA and OLADE Reinforce Commitment to Boost Renewables in Latin America and the Caribbean - 2021

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 24 November 2021 - The Latin American Energy Organisation (OLADE) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), have signed a new agreement to work closely…

28 11 2021 | 08:18

More U.S. Residents Than Ever Before Understand Climate Crisis is Real and Dangerous

People in the U.S. are taking the climate crisis more seriously than ever before, a new survey indicates.

28 11 2021 | 08:09

Germany's Scholz seals deal to end Merkel era

Olaf Scholz will head a three-party coalition with broad plans for Germany's transition to a green economy, under a deal to end 16 years of government led by Angela Merkel. Almost two months after…