PARIS REINFORCE Special Issue of 'Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy' is here!
We are very glad to announce that a PARIS REINFORCE Special Issue, "Transdisciplinary Science in Energy Transitions: Thinking Outside Strictly Formalised Modelling Boxes", has been published in Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy!

The Special Issue opens with a study by Pizarro-Irizar et al. who provide a novel experiment in which quantitative tools and stakeholder engagement are combined to identify the barriers between stakeholders and scientists concerning climate change mitigation aspects.
De Oliveira-De Jesus et al. discuss an alternative mitigation scenario for Latin America that seeks the compliance of both climate objectives and future energy requirements. This new scenario is based on the widespread integration of smart grids and renewable energies.
Nikas et al. investigate how the envisaged decarbonisation of the Greek energy system can be socially just and effective across multiple sustainability dimensions, by delving into the landscape that established lignite as the mainstream energy resource in Greece, as well as the factors sustaining its dominance despite niche technologies and innovations challenging the regime.
Islas-Samperio et al. analyse the possibility of substantially reducing greenhouse gases in the Mexican industrial sector by applying a low-carbon scenario, through a period of 25 years, composed of a set of mitigation options that involve the use of energy efficiency, materials recycling, cogeneration, and renewable energy.
Neofytou et al. perform a model-based multiple-criteria analysis for supporting policymakers in Greece, in designing energy efficiency policies through the selection of the most effective measures, including their macroeconomic, environmental, and social implications.
The Special Issue by Guest Editors Annela Anger-Kraavi (WP7 Leader) and Haris Doukas (Project Co-ordinator) aims to contribute to diversifying and enhancing the scientific response to climate change and policy challenges, by boosting interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary science, integrating climate-economy modelling with other tools, unlocking assumptions from anchored socioeconomic scenarios, assessing the true impact of uncertainties, and working together with policymakers and other stakeholder groups.
Feel free to browse, read, and download!
11 January 2021