Manx artist aims to highlight climate change with display

22 11 2023 | 11:52Press / BBC

An exhibition of steel sculptures and ink drawings designed to highlight climate change has gone on display at the House of Manannan.

Crucible is a collection of artworks by Manx sculptor Robert Jones, created using discarded materials.

It marks the first exhibition of work by Mr Jones, who is a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors, since 2019.

Mr Jones said the collection was a "warning cry to value our materials, our energy and our environment".

He said the materials used meant he was "upcycling" and reusing discarded items.

Many of the sculptures are mounted on upturned oil drums for the exhibition to save using the materials that would usually "be used once and then thrown away".

That "fits in well" with the climate crisis theme of the exhibition, which had been evident "for a number of years", he said.

Mr Jones said he tried to "limit at all times" the cost of his work to the environment by reducing the energy he used to make the pieces.

Inspired by the work of Manx sculptors Michael Sandle RA and Bryan Kneale RA, he trained in stone sculpture and metalwork techniques.

He said while his artwork was different, he respected the "techniques and the integrity" of their work.

He said: "You can see in them, that's the important thing, you can see the processes, how they work.

"And it's quite nice to be different but at the same time sort of following in their footsteps."

The exhibition is on display at the gallery at the House of Manannan in Peel until 14 January.


PHOTO: The exhibition is on display at the House of Manannan in Peel