Greg Jericho

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 4 | από συνολικά 4
27 06 2024 | 09:51

As the Coalition goes nuclear, Labor is free to ensure fossil fuels are burned with abandon and little scrutiny

The sham of Australia’s climate change policy has been made clear in the past two weeks. No, not nuclear power. Last Friday, while everyone was racing down nuclear-powered rabbit holes, the…

25 04 2024 | 09:00

Funding Australia’s renewable transition isn’t ‘picking winners’ – it’s securing our future

Last week Anthony Albanese finally announced the government’s major plan for the transition to a renewable energy economy.

04 10 2021 | 11:35

Net zero is not the real issue: we need to focus on our carbon budget

Caring only about our emissions level in 29 years is a bit stupid. Any party worth its salt will stop putting things off and tell us what it’s doing right now. As the whispers grow of the government…

24 02 2019 | 12:44

Δεν μπορούμε πια να στηρίζουμε το μέλλον μας στο κάρβουνο.

We can no longer rely on coal for our future prosperity. We must plan for life without it