Graham Readfearn

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 8 | από συνολικά 8
27 06 2024 | 11:00

‘Most of it was dead’: scientists discover one of Great Barrier Reef’s worst coral bleaching events

At least 97% of corals on a reef in the Great Barrier Reef’s north died during one of the worst coral bleaching events the world’s biggest reef system has ever seen, according to new analysis.…

21 06 2024 | 17:16

The things that you’re liable to read in the IPCC bible ain’t necessarily so, Chris Uhlmann says. It’s a bold claim

You know you’re in for a bit of grandiose lecturing on climate change when conservative commentators start making comparisons to religion and throwing around quotes from the 20th-century science…

23 05 2024 | 11:43

CSIRO puts cost of new nuclear plant at $8.6bn as Coalition stalls on policy details

Electricity from nuclear power in Australia would be at least 50% more expensive than solar and wind, according to a report from the CSIRO that has for the first time calculated costs for large-scale…

18 04 2024 | 09:19

Global heating pushes coral reefs towards worst planet-wide mass bleaching on record

Global heating has pushed the world’s coral reefs to a fourth planet-wide mass bleaching event that is on track to be the most extensive on record, US government scientists have confirmed. Some 54%…

13 03 2022 | 16:44

What are conservative commentators saying about the floods and climate?

Floods and their causes are complicated and there has been a clamour for answers from Australians over the role global heating could have played in the devastation left along the east coast this week…

14 06 2021 | 08:47

Australian coal burnt overseas creates nearly twice the nation’s domestic emissions.

New data comes amid warning that world’s growing awareness of coal exports’ impact risks further damaging Australia’s reputation on climate. Emissions from coal mined in Australia but exported and…

30 05 2021 | 16:36

It’s on our plates and in our poo, but are microplastics a health risk?

The omnipresent plastic is rife in dust, rice, placentas and tap water, but experts say it’s hard to untangle whether it’s harmful to humans. As much as the idea might be unpalatable, all of our…

17 08 2020 | 17:13

Death Valley temperature rises to 54.4C – possibly the hottest ever reliably recorded

US National Weather Service’s automated station at Furnace Creek in California hit extreme high at 3:41pm on Sunday A temperature of 54.4C – or 129.9F – has been recorded in Death Valley,…