Laura Edgar / The Planner

Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 | από συνολικά 3
08 11 2023 | 15:19

UK Government urged to adopt ‘greater transparency’ on impact of net zero policy updates

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has called on the government to take on ‘greater transparency’ in updating its assessment of policy impacts at the time of major announcements on net zero. This…

08 11 2023 | 15:15

Plymouth establishes green bank so BNG requirements benefit the city

Plymouth City Council’s cabinet has approved a £500,000 loan for a habitat bank that aims to make sure the city's natural habitats are enhanced and maintained. Ocean City Nature was established in…

08 11 2023 | 15:10

National network planning policies must align with net-zero, say UK MPs

The government has been urged to revise parts of the draft revised National Networks National Policy Statement (NNNPS) that would determine whether large new projects are compatible with net zero…